Secure storage lockers in multi-family apartment complexes are a great way to save money and protect tenants from thieves. Living in a high-rise building with little room for storage can be a bit of a problem for both landlords and the people that reside there. Who would have ever imagined that a simple solution such as a secured space to store things in would make such a big difference? Here is how secure storage lockers are helping people all over the country.
Privacy is Huge
Most of the apartment buildings that provide a little bit of room for storage either use the mesh wire cages or allow tenants to store their extra belongings in an open spot within their designated parking space. Investing in some enclosed storage units will not only allow these tenants a bit of privacy but will cut down on theft as well. If their extra belongings are stored without any protection, somebody could just walk up and take what they wanted. If they are stored in a wire mesh cage, a thief can see what is available to steal. Once they know what they want they will damage the wire cage to get access. Both scenarios could potentially cost the landlord money. But providing a secure storage bin could end up cutting costs for everybody in the long run, and saving money.
Less Stress
If a larger family lives in a place where there is not much room to store anything they could be forced to store things of value in places that are not very secure. Not having to worry about whether or not somebody will steal their child’s bicycle will cut down on stress. In some cases, the only way to get around town and get to school is by riding their bike. If this is the only means of transportation for a child to get to school, or a dad to get to work because mom needs the car it can be very stressful. Having a private, secure storage unit to keep things guarded is a huge help and can allow for better sleep at night.
Add Revenue
A little bit of ingenuity and some creative thinking could transform unused space into some room for a fantastic storage solution. Most often the tenants of a multi-family apartment would rather pay a little bit more for a safe and secure storage solution if they had the option. Nobody wants to leave their stored belongings in an open space where anybody could easily access it. With an option to be able to have a secure storage space your tenants will most likely be happy to pay a little extra.
The Bottom Line
Giving tenants the option of having a state-of-the-art storage solution will allow them to breathe easier. Having a well-built system in place will keep thieves from targeting the area. Storage spaces that are made of metal and have strong latches that lock are not easy to break into and burglarize. Storage bins look nice, too. Installing a set of storage boxes will make the whole building look better. Who wants to look at other people’s belongings? Great looking storage solutions remove clutter and make things look amazing. With all of these things combined, why would anybody not want to help people by creating space for improvement? The bottom line is that secure storage lockers really do help people, the question is- are you doing your part?