INVALID NUMBER ORA-01722 with correct Data

ERROR OF THE LOG AFTER EXECUTE SQLDRI'm trying to insert numeric values in a field, but I'm getting the same error all the time INVALID NUMBER ORA-01722. I don't know where is the error because I'm inserting decimal number declared as NUMBER (18,6) for field IMP_NPVFRONT and the value is

How To Choose A Wingback Beds; Tips And Suggestions

How To Choose A Wingback Beds; Tips And Suggestions

The wingback beds are a bulky and massive piece of furniture that has the ability to overshadow everything in the bedroom, including the rest of the furniture around it and decorative pieces. We spend a good part of our lives in our bedrooms and this bed has the capability of

When Should You Renovate Your Home?

When Should You Renovate Your Home?

If you’re planning to renovate your home, it’s important to do so at the right time. Hiring an architect Chester to oversee the process can be highly beneficial as they have the expert knowledge and expertise to ensure that your renovation goes as smoothly as possible. Before you begin, here

What Kind Of Predator Are You According To Your Zodiac Sign

What Kind Of Predator Are You According To Your Zodiac Sign

Aries Raccoon These are real, but very cute, fighters. they're not frightened of anyone. they do not adore it when someone flutters for no reason. These are cute creatures that raccoons and Aries if you're satisfied with the commotion and chaos within the house. Gemini Velvet cat It's a predatory but very adorable

Create An Amalgamation Of Stylish Luxury And Elegant Sophistication With Vinyl Flooring!

Create An Amalgamation Of Stylish Luxury And Elegant Sophistication With Vinyl Flooring!

While the majority of homeowners would like to have the lovely, value-adding wood flooring installed in their homes, a sizable percentage are still hesitant to do so. Typically, it’s due to the cost, complexity of installation, lack of durability, poor humidity, and temperature resistance. Fortunately, new wood-mimicking materials such as